Tuesday, July 10, 2007

USGA Conitnually Searching for Ways To...

...do nothing.

I was really never irritated with the USGA until I started this blog and began a daily campaign of reading and research. In addition to writing this blog and doing my weekly 50 hour plus job, I devote a significant amount of energy to selling the game of golf to the non-golfers out there. I'm as annoying as a reformed smoker. shhh...I used to work on a golf course...a country club...had free privileges...and never, ever swung a club. WHAT WAS I THINKING?

Anyway, I had a friend recently pay their USGA dues and request a hat from the Women's US Open as opposed to Oakmont. I have to say that it seems like a totally reasonable request. They have both hats available. Here's the response that the USGA gave to the request for a different hat.

Thank you for your recent correspondence to the United States Golf Association concerning women’s visors. We appreciate your comments. Many of our members question why the USGA does not offer a ladies’ visor as an alternative to the U.S. Open promotional hat offered. The USGA cannot accommodate multiple hat styles at this time. We are continually looking for ways in which to implement something of this nature and hope to find a means by which to accommodate this in the future.

Who asked for a visor? And I'd hope that they don't spend too much time "continually looking for ways in which to implement something of this nature...." It's a hat, the one in the next bin with the pine needles instead of the squirrel. You have them in stock. Does this take a process?

Instead of spending their time scratching their heads and "hopingto find a means by which to accommodate this in the future", they ought to just stick a hat in a mailer and be done with it. I think the possibility of a Senior Women's Open is slim when they can't even figure out how to provide a hat to their loyal and paying customers.

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