USGA Conitnually Searching for Ways To... nothing.
I was really never irritated with the USGA until I started this blog and began a daily campaign of reading and research. In addition to writing this blog and doing my weekly 50 hour plus job, I devote a significant amount of energy to selling the game of golf to the non-golfers out there. I'm as annoying as a reformed smoker. shhh...I used to work on a golf course...a country club...had free privileges...and never, ever swung a club. WHAT WAS I THINKING?
Anyway, I had a friend recently pay their USGA dues and request a hat from the Women's US Open as opposed to Oakmont. I have to say that it seems like a totally reasonable request. They have both hats available. Here's the response that the USGA gave to the request for a different hat.
Who asked for a visor? And I'd hope that they don't spend too much time "continually looking for ways in which to implement something of this nature...." It's a hat, the one in the next bin with the pine needles instead of the squirrel. You have them in stock. Does this take a process?
Instead of spending their time scratching their heads and "hopingto find a means by which to accommodate this in the future", they ought to just stick a hat in a mailer and be done with it. I think the possibility of a Senior Women's Open is slim when they can't even figure out how to provide a hat to their loyal and paying customers.
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