Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Promises, Promises...A Golf Girlfriend's Goof

It all started with a glass of wine...I think. It must have been a late Wednesday evening, somewhere between 8 and 9, when I made the promise that has me in a 7th grade, best friend flashback. The trouble is...I made the same promise three weeks later to my soccer buddy who just took up golf.

I promised them both my Sun Mountain 3.5 carry bag.

It seems simple enough. Just tell one of them that I double promised, right?

Here's where the drama sets in and memories of junior high keep me up at night. Promise #2 was made to Promise #1's ex'es new girlfriend. I can send you an org chart if you're really interested in the details of how that all worked out, but the short of it is, I'm in a lose/lose situation in two worlds I never saw colliding.

I'm going to have to buy a new golf bag. I'm going have to suck it up, drop a hundred bucks, drag the thing through a bunker, drive over it, rub it in some fresh grass clippings and act like it's been my faithful companion for the last two years.

Are you reading this thinking, "Why doesn't she just come clean about it?"

I tried. I told promise #1, my faithful Wednesday golf partner, what I had done. I was hoping she'd ease my guilt, offer to just go get her own bag, and let me off the hook. It didn't work out that way. Instead, she offered to give me her old bag to give promise #2. Seemed reasonable, so I said, "Okay, sure."

Then I remembered the ex had given her the golf clubs and would probably remember the bag.

Tomorrow I'm headed to the pro shop. Some mistakes are worth $129.


Anonymous said...

Wow, I didn't know there was such a thing as golf drama. Then again, why should golf be any different?

The Daily Mulligan said...

Yep, it surprised me too. I wonder if they have drama at the Thursday night cooking class?